Relationship Real Estate: First 5 Steps

Relationship Real Estate: First 5 Steps

Relationship Real Estate is a series taught to real estate agents across the country based off of my best selling book "Relationship Real Estate: 16 steps to real estate success). Steps 1-5 begin with open houses and how to bring task tension down in order to get your guests to full open up to you. I hear all the time that open houses do not work. 

They absolutely do and my real estate team of typically six agents has procured over 6000 warm bodied, asked for continued communication, leads in the past six years!  There is a psychology behind everything we do and say.  My courses teach you just that! If you want more after watching this video,

I have an online/group coaching platform called New Agent ACCELERATE: Creating disruptors in real estate.  This group coaching platform is changing real estate agents lives!

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